Tuesday 22 May 2018

Reaction to "Vernacular, religious schools must go"

I read a letter forwarded by a columnist from Sin Chew Daily, titled "Vernacular, religious schools must go".

The writer's argument contains a cause-effect mistake. Accusing the lack of critical thinking and quality questioning skills among Malaysian for the presence of vernacular and religious schools demonstrate the writer's lack of logical thinking. According to the theory of Multiple Intelligences proposed by Howard Gardner, linguistic intelligence and logical-mathematical intelligence are developed in parallel to other forms of intelligences (see https://howardgardner.com/multiple-intelligences/). These intelligences are complementary to each other, rather than competing to each other. Instead of condemning specific school types, we should provide opportunities to Malaysian to nurture and develop logical-mathematical thinking, critical thinking and multiple linguistic skills. These skills would afford Malaysian to respond rationally to current issues and avoid making improper cause-effect mistakes.  

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