Monday, 4 July 2016

How to define operational definition in your thesis or proposal

I was having a discussion with Farzin, my Master's student on how to define operational definitions for his proposal. Herewith the three-step approach I suggested and demonstrated to him. We agreed to share this approach with all other master's and PhD students.

Step 1: juxtapose the meanings gathered from third parties.

In this case, we have chosen the first and second meanings of the word "feedback" from Oxford Dictionaries ( The third meaning was rejected as it is related to devices instead of human beings. 

First meaning:
Information about reactions to a product, a (player) person’s performance of (solving puzzles in a mobile game)a task, etc. which is used as a basis for improvement.
Second meaning:
The modification or control of (learning) a process or system by (improving the) its results (of solving puzzles in a mobile game)or effects, for example in a biochemical pathway or behavioural response. See also negative feedback, positive feedback.

Step 2: contextualize the meaning for your research.

We edited the original meanings one-by-one, and then suited the meanings for his research title. Herewith the contextualized meanings: 
1. Feedback is the information of reactions to a player’s performance of solving puzzles in a mobile game, which is used as a basis for improvement.

2. Feedback is the modification of learning process by improving a player’s performance of solving puzzles in a mobile game.

Step 3: synthesis

We synthesized both the meanings into one definition which is suitable for this research title and context.

Feedback is the modification of learning process by improving a player’s performance of solving puzzles in a mobile game, based on the information of the player’s reactions. 

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