Sunday, 14 December 2014

Knowledge Workers (Notes)

When I was a lecturer in UniKL, I attended a session related to Knowledge Workers (K-Workers). Herewith my notes:

The vision of UniKL is to provide technical education, training and application oriented research.
Its mission is to nurture industrial competent professionals and semi-professionals.

Training - specific
Educate - all-rounded

Challenges in education and training:
- Globalization. Increasing complexity and exponential growth of knowledge.
- Rapid loss of knowledge relevance over time (tech. change).
- Knowledge / intellectual capital as key economic resource.

Cognitive Methodology
- Lecture, class, discussion, case study, theoretical project works.

Psychomotoric Methodology
- Demonstration, tutorial, workshop / lab / practical project works.

K-Workers Occupational Competency:
 - Technical competence
- Human & social competence
- Learning and methodological competence

"Belakang parang kalau asah, boleh juga tajam!"

Learning English

I remembered being a part-time tuition teacher about ten years ago. Herewith my notes about learning English:

Man-made language = Esperanto  vs English = natural language

Eleven facets of English learning:

  1. Overview
  2. Vocabulary
  3. Grammar
  4. Pronunciation
  5. Listening
  6. Speaking
  7. Reading
  8. Writing
  9. Translation 
  10. Learning resources
  11. Examination preparation

Teaching and learning techniques: 
- spelling
- journal writing
- vocabulary memorizing
- intensive exercises
- morning reading, etc

- motivation
- attitude
- beliefs
- techniques
- deeds
- self-improvements

Monday, 24 November 2014

Notes taken in Rasch Measurement Model Workshop

I rushed to new campus after conducting 45 minutes of my Design Aesthetics class this morning.

After settled down in the Lab 4 in IT Centre, I began to learn what is Rasch Model with the facilitation of Dr Ong Yoke Mooi and Dr Sharon Lee Leh Hong.

Herewith my personal ILOs:
- to explain what is Rasch model
- to elaborate the usage of Rasch model and analysis
- to depict how Rasch model can be applied in my field of research.

Lessons of the day: 
1. Rasch Model can be used to balance games, i.e., balancing the difficulty level of in-game challenges over time.

2. The concepts of infit and outfit can be borrowed and used in Csiksentmihalyi's flow channel, in which outfit are in-game challenges that are beyond the flow channel, which could either be too easy (that leads to boredom) or too difficult (that leads to anxiety).

3. For items tested through Likert scale (i.e. more than "yes" or "correct" and "no" or "incorrect"), dichotomous model still relevant because we can code the outcome of each item to either 1 or 0.


Up to this moment, I think I can use Rasch Model to design, develop and test questionnaire items, specifically to examine whether a item is appropriate to be included in the questionnaire or now.

Sunday, 12 October 2014



  1. 每天将要做的事情列表,并在同一天内更新几次。
  2. 规定自己一天内可打断的次数。
  3. 安排自己能在没有同事、学生的打断的情况下完成任务。
  4. 清理办公桌上的文书。
  5. 对电脑文档时常进行整理。
  6. 速读有关的报纸和杂志,了解最新的信息与技术(每日阅报、剪报)。
  7. 限定打电话时间的长度。
  8. 关上办公室的门,进行策略性思考。
  9. 每天留出时间进行回顾(睡前五分钟)。


  1. 列出每天要做的工作
  2. 估计完成一项任务的时间。
  3. 坚持不超出每天工作的小时数。
  4. 反思:在各项任务上花费的时间是否常常比你估计的更长?


  1. 准时出席会议,并且有备而来。
  2. 保证大家能看到会议室里的时钟。
  3. 自己组织的会议达到预期的目的,并准时结束。


  1. 注重每位下属的积极品质。
  2. 留出一定的时间来接待同事、学生。
  3. 努力与每位同事、下属保持直接联系。
  4. 考虑将信息传达给需要的人。
  5. 反思:你是否做了应由别人来完成的工作?
  6. 将对你来说没有效率的工作委派给他人(只处理策划及监督工作)。
  7. 把自己能完成的任务委派给下属、学生。
  8. 跟进委派后的工作。

How many references should I include in a PhD thesis?

Before I wrote my PhD thesis, I went to Warwick Library and picked up one thesis of my senior. I calculated the number of references she included in her thesis, and I found the following figures:

443 references

34 tables

16 figures

7 chapters (excluding introduction)

2 appendices (Questionnaire used)


After I wrote my PhD thesis, I calculated mine. Herewith my figures for my postgraduate students to refer:

266 references (including 32 references to dictionary or encyclopedia)

(top-down; synthesis; reflexion; perception; pedagogy; pattern matching; pattern; new media; narrative; meta; medium; map; issue; industry; game theory (2); game (3); evolution; engage; electronic game; edutainment; education; creative industries; concept (4); bottom-up; attitude; analysis) 

67 tables

35 figures

9 chapters

16 appendices

Types of concepts

Concepts can be classified into:

  • Concrete vs abstract
  • Relative vs absolute
  • Philosophical vs ? 



  • 通过一系列问题上与中国的对立来体现其大国地位。
  • 远交近攻外交力学的作用和以攻为守的岛国危机心理的萌动。。。
  • 在国际政治关系中,感情用事是没有任何益处的,尤为重要的是千万不能妄自尊大。。。
  • 习惯于那种来自文化优势的心理盲目藐视,以及感性上被欺凌的怨恨情绪,甚至表面上的强势表现和外交的敌对意识流露。
  • 盲目的心理强势和片面的强大意识,只会误导国民思潮的走向和引起仇外情绪的泛滥,结果最终在实际对抗事态发生时。。。
  • 资本的本质从来就不是善意,而是获取最大的利润。
  • 马克思主义:人类提高生产力的最终目的是将人从生产活动中解放出来。

Sunday, 17 August 2014

How to brand UPSI, UERL or myself?

I read an article in Interbrand Blog, titled "Lose the name, become an icon: the future of the packaging logo today". This leads me to think about how to brand UPSI, UERL or even myself.

The author suggested to "create an icon and let it speak for itself"--which could enable the brand conveys its essence to those who speak and write in different languages. In the context of Malaysia, this involves Malay, Chinese and Indian languages.

Sunday, 27 July 2014

The importance of learning Epistemology or Theory of Knowledge

I was confused at the beginning of my doctoral journey--mainly due to the fact that I did not study "Theory of Knowledge" during my pre-university time. 

In Western countries, this course is compulsory and it expects students who had completed this course successfully to justify the following:
  • How they know what they have known. 
  • Which domain of knowledge they gain what they know
  • What kind of proposition they use to form a statement

After reading "Theory of Knowledge" and taking a series of courses on philosophical studies alongside my PhD journey, all my confusion disappeared by themselves. 


It's a pity that I do not see any courses alike in Malaysia, but I have been sharing this with my students since my return from UK in 2011. 

Research should start by determining the research issue rather than the choice of research method

A lot of the postgraduate students that I met were focusing on the choice of research method rather that one research issue (unsolved problem) that is worth solving within a preset time frame. 

Postgraduate students should have determined the research issue in the domain of study first, formulating the hypotheses (quantitative approach) or hypothetical propositions (qualitative approach) based on initial literature review, before choosing a research method or a combination of several methods that they believe can answer the research question. 

For doctoral research student, this process may take 3 to 9 months, in which the students would establish an epistemological paradigm that affords the creation of new knowledge--an essential element that qualifies the award of PhD or DPhil. 

Dilemma faced by Western educational researchers

Western educational researchers generally regard experimental studies as "unethical" now. 

I see this as a result of the debate between Chomsky and Skinner: conducting experiments on human beings is like treating human beings as animals. However, probably due to this ethical consideration in the Western academia, I hardly see ground breaking educational research outputs conducted in Western countries nowadays, as compared to early and middle of the 20th century. 

Having said so, I participated in several experimental studies conducted under the Psychological Department when I was studying in University of Warwick. In other words, Experimental studies are allowable under the domain of psychological studies, but not educational studies in certain universities. 

In UPSI, my colleagues in Sports Science also conduct experimental studies that involve blood test--as long as they follow ethical protocol set by the university and the Sports Council. So whether you can conduct experiment studies or not depends on which department or domain of study you are studying your PhD.  

Choosing a PhD supervisor

It is indeed a difficult matter to determine who should be your supervisor in the doctoral journey. Once you are awarded the doctorate degree, academics would normally ask "who is your supervisor" instead of "which university you receive your PhD". Although the actual supervision would be around three years, but the implication of the relationship is lifelong.

Herewith a good guide for those who are pursuing or intend to pursue a PhD:

Saturday, 12 April 2014

Asking questions

Herewith my notes when I was learning how to design question:

Classification questions

  • Name, sex, age, status, etc = basis for analyzing associations between variables
  • Add in “it will help us in further analysis if you would tell us a little about yourself”.
  • Don’t get info that is not needed, e.g. exact age (use range instead); salary (use job grade instead).

Question contents (validity)

Questionnaire needs to cover the research issues that have been specified.
  1.       I must be clear about the information required and encode this accurately into a question.
  2.        The respondent must interpret the question in a way I intended.
  3.        The respondent must construct an answer that contains information that I have requested
  4.        I must interpret the answer as the respondent had intended it to be interpreted.

Questions to ask when designing questions:

  1.           Is the question necessary? Just how will it be useful?
  2.           Are several questions needed on the subject matter of this question?
  3.           Do respondents have the information necessary to answer the question?
  4.           Does the question need to be more concrete, specific and closely related to the respondent’s personal exposure?
  5.           Is the question content sufficiently general and free from spurious concreteness and specificity?
  6.           Is the question content biased and loaded in one direction, without accompanying questions to balance the emphasis?
  7.           Will the respondents give the information that is asked for?

Drafting the answer

  • Decide on how you want people to respond and stick with it. Tick (/), underline, circle. DON’T mix.

Notes on Social Constructionism (2009)

A major focus of social constructionism is to uncover the ways in which individual and groups participate in the creation of their perceived reality.
It involves looking at the ways social phenomena (how games are perceived and how games engage players) are created, institutionalized (in game studios?) and made into tradition by humans (game designers; in creative industry).
Socially constructed reality is seen as an ongoing, dynamic process; (why? As ICT evolves rapidly or change of players’ need / demand—linear to interaction; traditional media to new media)
Reality is reproduced (games are redesigned / upgraded / re-packaged); by people acting on their interpretation and their knowledge of it.
Berger and Luckmann (1967) argue that knowledge is derived from and maintained by social interaction:
“When people interact, they do so with the understanding that their respective perceptions of reality are related, and as they act upon this understanding their common knowledge of reality becomes reinforced. Since this common sense knowledge is negotiated by people, human typifications, significations and institutions come to be presented as part of an objective reality. It is in this sense that it can be said that reality is socially constructed.
Ian Hacking (1999): The Social Construction of What?
Berger and Luckmann (1967): The Social Construction of Reality: A Treatise in the Sociology of Knowledge
Theoretical perspective is the philosophical stance lying behind a methodology: it provides a context for the process involved and a basis for its logic and its criteria.
Assumptions I made when I choose a particular methodology.
Interpretivism looks for culturally derived and historically situated interpretations of social life world.
Max Weber (1864 – 1920)
Human Sciences
Natural Sciences
Interpretive approach
Explicative approach (explaining)
Qualitative research methods
Qualitative research methods
Both the natural sciences and social sciences may be concerned at any given time with either the nomothetic or the idiographic.
The one scientific method should apply to these 2 forms of sciences and should cater for both nomothetic and idiographic inquiry
Wilhelm Dilthey (1833 – 1933):
-          Social reality and natural reality are different kinds of reality, therefore their investigation requires different methods.
Windelband and Richkert:
-          Rejecting the notion that there is some kind of real distinction between natural reality and social reality.
-          Accept that there is a logical distinction
o   In the case of nature, science is looking for
§  Consistencies
§  Regularities
§  The ‘law’ that obtains nomothetic generalizing method.
o   In the case of human affairs (in historical studies), we are concerned with the individual case idiographic individualizing method.
§  Isolate individual phenomena in order to trace their unique development
ASSUMPTIONS: symbolic interactionism (Blumer, 1969, p2)
-          Human beings (game developers) act toward things on the basis of the meanings that these things have for them;
-          The meaning of such things is derived from, and arises out of, the social interaction that one has with one’s fellows (seniors, other experts, etc);

-          These meanings are handled in and modified through, an interpretive process used by the person in dealing with the things he encounters (various game genres).