Thursday, 11 July 2013

Leading by Example - Reflection of a workshop I attended

I had attended a two-day workshop titled "Communication, Leadership and Public Speaking Skills", which was conducted by TNC(PI) or the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research & Innovation). The theme of the workshop is instructional leadership, in which TNC(PI) shared her knowledge and experience in research grant application and evaluation, book and journal article writing and publication, administration and management in universities, postgraduate students supervision, and collaboration with external bodies. Herewith the lessons I learned from the workshop:

1. Research grant application and evaluation

After completed my PhD and returned to Malaysia, I have tried applying for FRGS two times but both failed due to the fact that I should not propose to invent product, e.g. games, applications, etc. I also failed to secure the PRGS, LRGS, and IDR grant. The application of PRGS is only valid if the applicant has completed either a relevant GPU, FRGS or ERGS. ERGS must be exploring what and where a particular theory, principles or model can be used, e.g. what and where to use GBL. However, I am grateful that I understand the reasons the failure now--it's never too late to mend.

1.1 Title

In terms of technicality of writing proposal, the research title must be specific in nature, reflecting fundamental issues to be resolved. Novelty is an important criteria in the title. The title must be brief (12 - 15 words) and reflect the content of the proposal.

1.2 Executive Summary

The Problem Statement should begin with fundamental issues, i.e. issues that have impacts on the national development when resolved. There are eight types of such impact in total:
  • Environmental
  • Economic
  • Social
  • Public policy and service
  • Health
  • Cultural
  • Quality of life
  • International
For FRGS, I must indicate explicitly what is the positive impacts on the following three dimensions of national development:
  • Environmental
  • Economical
  • Social 
For international grants, I should hit more types of impact, e.g. UNESCO grant that promote "Education for All".

The content of the proposal should clearly indicate the following flow:

Inputs > Activities > Output > Outcomes > Impact

The Consortium of Asia-Pacific Universities, the Australian National Research Flagships and the Malaysian Economic Transformation Plan (ETP) was mentioned in the workshop, in which I must relate my proposal to the ETP and Flagships. I must include solid authoritative statistical figures and informative research-based facts in the proposal to reflect the depth of my knowledge mastery in my field of expertise.

With maximum 300 words, the executive summary should be written creatively (e.g. using different colours for different sections) to capture the attention of the grant assessor. The methodology must be as specific as possible, i.e. mentioning the use of a particular instrument that was constructed based on established theory.
Also, the expected output / outcome / implication should be linked to GDP in relevant sense.

1.3 Research Background

Unless it is a classical work, all references must be the most recent (last 5 years) related references.

1.4 Methodology

While the Methodology in Executive Summary should be as specific as possible, the Methodology section itself should be as detailed as possible.

2. Book and journal article writing and publication

Some award-winning colleagues shared their experience in writing and publishing journal articles which are indexed in Thomson Reuters (formerly ISI) Web of Knowledge. Working with colleauges in oversea, e.g. friends or doctoral course mates in world leading universities would be a good channel to get articles published in indexed journals. An established scholar must have his or her researcher ID, Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID, Inc.), H-Index. In China, the required H-Index is 7 to be a lecturer--I think in a renown university. For proofreading, American Journal Experts (AJE) provides professional service which costs around RM600 per manuscript.

Inspired by the successful colleagues, I have created my ResearcherID (H-3569-2013) under Thomson Reuters Web of Knowledge and I will start to write actively for indexed journals. My current H-Index is 3--still a long way to go to get 7...

3. Administration and management in universities

I asked TNC(PI) to share her experience of overcoming cultural shock when she first completed PhD and returned to Malaysia from US. Her story is really motivating, especially when she talked about how she conducted research with her students despite having no grant and no support from superior. I am grateful to have support from my colleagues and superiors who are keen to help me to become an established scholar, I promise not to let them down!

4. Postgraduate students supervision

5. Collaboration with external bodies.

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