Monday, 25 July 2022

Reading "Inventology: How we dream up things that change the world" by Pagan Kennedy

 2016: Boston - Houghton Mifflin Harcourt



Part 1: Problem Finding

1: Martian Jet Lag

2: User-inventors

3: Someone else's shoes 

4: The future of feedback

Part 2: Discovery

5: Super-encounters

6: Data goggles

7: Building an empire out of nothing

Part 3: Prophecy

8: The Pong effect

9: The Wayne Gretzky game

10: The mind's R&D lab

11: How to time-travel

Part 4: Connecting

12: The go-betweens

13: Zones of permission

14: Holistic invention

Part 5: Empowerment

15: Paper eyes

16: Tinkering with education


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