Learning is the main thing. "E" is the technology, the sidekick not the main thing.
"I cannot live without sarung...
I bring the flavor of Bangla to America."
"Thinking globally, acting locally."
I asked, "What is non-meaningful e-learning?"
Non-meaningful e-learning means students do not get what suppose to get from learning.
New book: Data Analytics in Education
1. People Process Product Continuum.
2. Stakeholders' needs
3. E-learning framework
"E-learning is an instructional model that allows instructor, students, and content to be located in different noncentralized locations so that instruction and learning occur independent of time and place."
"E-learning is distributed".
"I am not the technology guy, I am just the messager."
"Tools here are going to jeopardy your life, you have to decide whether the tools are supplementing or empowering you or not."
Instructional designer is like an architect, who will come out with the blueprint of instruction.
A high quality e-learning system must be meaningful to stakeholders. It is more likely to be meaningful to learners when it is:
- easily accessible
- clearly organized
- well written
- authoritatively presented (it is something educational)
- learner-centered
- affordable
- efficient
- flexible, and has a
- facilitated learning environment.
"Maybe some of them aren't even ready for the lecture."
A Thai student asked, "Is University going to stay?"
"When passion becomes profession, life is no longer boring."
Try to make your profession your passion, then you enjoy what you are doing.
Don't do e-learning unless you are ready.
When learners display a high level of participation and success in meeting courses goals...
When learners enjoy all available support services provided in the course without any interruptions, it makes support services staff happy as...
Finally, e-learning is meaningful to an organization when it has a sound ROI, a moderate to high level of learners' satisfaction...
Today, I would like to introduce a framework which I believe will help us identify important criteria for quality e-learning and blended learning.
Framework of E-learning
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