Tuesday, 28 July 2020

Sketchy notes on PhD research study

When qualitative researchers:
- choose a qualitative study- what philosophical assumptions are being implicitly acknolwedged?
- bring their beliefs to qualitative study - what alternative paradigm stances are they likely to use? 
- select a framework as a lens for their study - what interpretive of theoretical frameworks are they likely to use? 
- design / conduct qualitative research - how are assumptions, paradigms, and interpretive and/ or theoretical frameworks used? 

FIVE Philosophical assumptions:
1) Ontological ~: (reality) the nature of reality
2) Epistemological ~: (knowledge) the relationship between the researcher and that being 'researched' (how do I know what I know?)
3) Axiological ~: (values) the role of values
4) Rhetorical ~: (langues) the language of research
5) Methodological ~: (process) the process of research. 

"The procedures of qualitative research, or its methodology, are characterised as inductive, emerging, and shaped by the researcher's experience in collecting and analyzing the data"