Title: Universities and Their Role in an Era of Global Challenges
Delivered by Professor Sir Leszek Borysiewicz FRS, FMedSci, the Vice Chancellor of Cambridge University
Organiser: Jeffrey Cheah Distinguished Speakers Series (JCDSS) Sunway University
The role of universities in an era of global challenges, an era where expertise itself is fall into question.
What does it is actually mean in this day of age to be a world-class university?
League tables are too simplistic...it does not show the depth of any academic institution has to deliver.
A university is global when it reflects global diversity, addresses global issues; when it establishes global partnership; and when it assumes global leadership.
The diversity is the key.
Cambridge is suffering in offering courses via MOOC to cope with the global change.
Cambridge is facing immense challenges in replicating the colleagial ambience in physical unversity outside of Cambridge.
"We are global because we address global issues."
... Looking for practical solutions to issues we face.
... Looking for practical solutions to issues we face.
It has to become the daily work of academics.
World class university must harness... collaboration.
Strategic partnership
Collaboration network
Retain collaboration at all costs.
Collaboration network
Retain collaboration at all costs.
Global leadership requires courage, creativity and cooperation.
Global diversity addressing global issues...
Failure to address these issues would leave universities out.
Trust gap between the uninformed and the academic experts is alarming.
When expert is now a term of abuse.
It's damaging to our reputation...
We need the experts
Let's continue
Engage the wider society
Stand up and be heard
Strike to be more transparent...
Make no apology for it at all.
Keep doing what we can do best.
Doing so will not make us popular
Let's continue
Engage the wider society
Stand up and be heard
Strike to be more transparent...
Make no apology for it at all.
Keep doing what we can do best.
Doing so will not make us popular
Be sincere.
To contribute to the society ...
If we do not serve the society, the global society,
If we do not serve the society, the global society,
It is the yardstick....