Wednesday, 25 November 2015

How to write Methodology Chapter?

Herewith a reply I wrote to a student, which I have modified for reference of other postgraduate students:

3.1 should be Introduction, in which you inform the outline of Chapter 3.

Next, you need to write your epistemological stance in 3.2 Research Design. Here, you explain how you believe new knowledge can be generated through your empirical study. Then you describe why you choose observation (participative or not? Why? Must be as specific as possible) and questionnaire survey to answer your research questions. Why not other research design? How each of these observation or survey related to each other, and how the findings may answer each research questions.

After that,  write 3.3 Instrumentation to depict how you developed or adapted and then planned to apply each of the instruments in your research. What are the pros and cons of each instrument and how you overcome the shortcomings of the instruments. For every instrument, you need to explain its validity and reliability, particularly what have you done to assure their validity (internal, external and ecological) and reliability (Cronbach Alpha)

Next, in 3.4 Data Collection, you explain how you sample or plan to sample your data. For PhD level, this is very important and you need to be as detailed as possible to justify your choice of samples are not purposive nor by chance. Results of Chi Square test or pattern of normal distribution should be shown. Then, write the data collection protocol and attach the details (consent form,  cover letter and information sheet of your research should be attached as Appendices). It would be better if you have letter of approval from an authority to study children. If so,  include it as appendix. Remember to show your timeline of data collection and justify your plan of timing.

In 3.5 Data Analysis Methods, you need to show a constructive alignment table between data collection methods, data analysis methods against which research questions and objectives you would answer or achieve. Since you plan to use survey, you need to explain whether you are using parametric or nonparametric statistical analysis methods, and justify your choice. Please specify the type of statistical tests you plan to run on the data.

If your research involve using multiple methods, either in data collection or in data analysis, you need to explain how the findings of each method complement or integrate with other findings. This could be a standalone sub topic as Triangulation.

For research that involves living things, you need to explain how you resolved or plan to resolve ethical issues in a sub topic titled Ethical Issues.

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

How to measure learning

I had a discussion with a PhD student, in which he intends to examine the level of knowledge acquisition among players through a gaming competition. He plans to use questionnaire to conduct the examination but the questions asked are limited to learners' satisfaction. This incident reminds me of Kirkpatrick's book I bought (published by ASTD) on E-learning Evaluation. He introduced four levels of evaluation on training.

Herewith some tips on how we can integrate Kirkpatrick's methods with research methods:

1. Level of learner satisfaction
- use questionnaire survey to check whether learners are happy with the learning events or not

2. Level of knowledge / skill acquisition
- use quiz or test to check whether learners have achieved the intended learning outcomes or not

3. Level of application of new knowledge / skills
- use observation checklist to check whether learners have applied what they have acquired in other contexts

4. Level of ROI
- use balance sheet to measure total cost spent on the competition plus research expenses and compare it with the return on investment to see whether it is economical to teach the subject matter through competition or not.

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

How to write Chapter 1

Herewith the guide I prepared for my postgraduate students to write their Chapter 1

1.1 Overview
[what your Chapter 1 is about]

1.2 Research Background
[When and where did YOU get the idea of pursuing this master / doctoral study?]
[Who did you deal with when identifying issues related to your study?]  

1.3 Problem statement
[What is the issue you discover the field you would like to study?]
[What factors which you believe are the causes of the issue? Why?]
[Why do you believe that the issue should be resolved by YOU?]

1.4 Significance of the study
[What changes would you made if you managed to resolve the issue? Why?] 
[What would be the ideal research outcomes at the end of your master / doctoral study? Why?]
[Who will be benefited by the solution you offer through your research outcomes? Why do you believe so?] 

1.5 Research aim and objectives
[What is your one indispensable result that you want to achieve in your doctoral study? See Chapter 2 of Richardson, 2005]
[What are the enabling objectives you need to achieve in the course of attaining the research aim?]

1.6 Research questions and hypotheses
[Based on the issues, operationalise them to form the research questions you would like to answer through your findings]
[Based on the research questions, develop hypotheses which you would like to test using your data]

1.7 Scope and limitations of the study
[Define the scope of your research, particularly spell out what you DO NOT study]
[List down the limitations of your study, which cover technical, social and economical limitations]

1.8 Operational definitions
[List down all key concepts in your research]
[Based on analytical propositions (meanings from dictionary), develop the definition of those key concepts for use in your study]