Thursday, 27 December 2012

Conceptual Model

The phrase "conceptual model" bothered me when I started my PhD in March 2008. I encountered this phrase again today, which prompted me to refresh my understanding.

According to Johnson and Henderson (2002), a conceptual model is a high-level description of how a system is organised and operates. It specifies and describes:
- the major design metaphors and analogies employed in the design, if any.
- the concepts the system exposes to users, including the task-domain data-objects users create and manipulate, their attributes and the operations that can be performed on them.
- the relationships between these concepts.
- the mapping between the concepts and the task-domain the system is designed to support.

Game: What the game is to players?
System: What the system is to users?

What a Conceptual Model Is Not
~ is not the user interface, i.e. how the software looks or how it feels.
~ is not the user mental model of the system.
~ are not the use-cases (aka task-level scenarios), i.e. the stories about the domain tasks that users will have to carry out in their work.
~ is not an implementation architecture.

Johnson, J., & Henderson, A. (2002). Conceptual Models: Begin by Designing What to Design. Interaction, 25-32.  

Saturday, 1 December 2012

Verificationism and Falsificationism

Science is based on verificationism, i.e. demands experiment-based proves.

Before science is proven valid, science must pass the test of falsification.

Interesting and memorable quotes

When I watch movies, I enjoy listening to the dialogue between characters. I even jotted down some of the quotes, and then used them in speaking and writing. Unlike Chinese language, English quotes have no temporal constraint: the divide between modern Chinese and classical Chinese--which requires "translation" and interpretation when using them. 

Herewith some of my collection of interesting and memorable quotes:

Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs

“So you’re living down here by your wits all you’re alone, no responsibilities.”
“Oh I am. It’s incredible. No dependents, no limits. It’s the greatest life a single guy could now.”
Manny: Guys don't talk to guys about guy problems. They just... punch each other on the shoulder.
Ellie: That's stupid!
Manny: To a girl! To a guy that's, like, six months of therapy!

“No, no, no, you’re taking this the wrong way!”
“Face it Sid. We had a great run, but now it’s time to move on.”
Fortress of solitude

Night at the Museum

Teddy Roosevelt (Robin William): Some men are born great, others have greatness thrust upon them. For you, this is the very moment.
Teddy Roosevelt: The more you know about the past, the better you are prepared for the future.

Gilbert and Sullivan Opera: The Mikado

“Life is a joke that’s just began.”

Saturday, 24 November 2012

Technology Creativity vs Cultural Creativity [translation & adaptation from Han (2012)]

I have read Han’s (2012) Design Thinking. I found is meaningful for the context in Malaysia. Thus I translated some of the texts for my teaching and sharing purposes.

Technology creativity
Cultural creativity
Aims to improve the quality of living through the enhancement of the performance of products.
Aims to improve the quality of living through the enhancement of spiritual fulfillment.
Grounded on technology.
Grounded on feeling.
Need knowledge as the basis, hence the notion of knowledge economy.
Need pleasure feeling as the basis.
The field of technology requires continuous innovation through in-depth R&D of knowledge.
Cultural innovation occurs through imagination.
Reply on relatively young PhD holders who are graduated from world leading universities to lead high-tech industry. Those who reach the age of 40 might have lost their innovative capability in R&D, thus they have to move into managerial positions.
Rely on heart-touching new styles to lead the creative industry, which might be started who one reaches the age of 40.  
Intellectual property (IP) is the substance (本体) of civilization
Cultural creative industry is the appearance (外衣) of civilization
Need to go through vertical, inferential design thinking process within the profession, i.e. a R&D process.
Not limited to a specific boundary or profession, but requires a complete design process to integrate multiple resources, in order to achieve the purpose of commercialization. The commercialization process is alien to literati.  

In the minds of agencies which manage culture-related affairs, particularly when they think about nurturing cultural creative industry, the prime focus is creative talents, i.e. those literati who are creative and innovative. Therefore the agencies thought this could be achieved by organizing some training courses or by inviting several world-renown speakers to talk about creative industry. These efforts are merely depleting budget and yet failing to nurture true creative talents, thus leaving the problem of revitalizing cultural creative industry unsolved. This is due to the fact that the actual dilemma is the absence of a creative environment; while the barrier to having the creative environment is a general lack of design thinking capability and habits in the society.  

For example, in recent years, for the sake of enhancing the quality of architecture, public and private sectors are keen to hire foreign renowned architects to design, mainly through organizing international competitions. Does it mean there is no creativity in the field of Taiwanese architecture? Of course, judging from the existing buildings in Taiwan, there is hardly any recommended designed by Taiwan masterpiece, but is this solely caused by the tack of architectural skills or talents? No. We all know that the performance of architecture standards can only be achieved through mutual cooperation between architects and property owners. What are the owners? They are the combination of the socio-cultural environment. If there is no vision that can uncover architectural talents in this society; if there is no tolerance that can indulge architects to show off their creativity; if there is no sufficient resources to support architects, we should not blame Taiwan for not having creative talents. In contrast, the required vision, tolerance and resources have been allocated to satisfy the sense of worshiping foreign renowned masters—how would such attitude establish the competitiveness of cultural creative industry in Taiwan?  

Therefore for the future of creative industry, we must first recognize and comprehend the barriers in our cultural environment, particularly those irrational factors, in order to identify the thinking method that can generalize all requirements for development. If everyone in the country is geared towards enhancing the attainment of the sense of aesthetics, while recognizing the importance of systematic thinking, then we can truly move forward to a highly developed society, where everybody takes the initiative to be a sensible person.

IP Issue: Who should own the copyright upon the design of the products?

I came across "Different point of view on the copyright of artwork between artist and engineer". This prompted me to reflect the scenario depicted in Steve Jobs' biography, where engineers were struggling to work with designers led by Steve. In a private company, the copyright would not be an issue as the company holds all the rights since both the engineers and the designers are the employees of the company. However, in R&D projects or creative production, the conflict of copyright ownership between designers and engineers could be a dispute that leads to zero-sum ending.

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

We must let people know we can do X first

Some may question or even challenge me for revealing my capability explicitly in getting something done, even though I have not and probably nobody has done it before. 

I argue that we must let people know we can do the thing (X) first, earning their trust and empowerment, before actually starting to get it done.

If we, who really know how to get X done, do not actually get X done, and worse, let those who do not know how to do X to finish doing X and produce negative outcomes, then we may lost the opportunity to get X done in the future.

So we must first let people know that we can get X done, and then seize the opportunity to do X. The positive outcomes would eventually make people believe that X is doable and practical. 

Thursday, 29 March 2012

Visit to Silver Ant—the maker of See Food

Along with students and colleagues of Creative Multimedia Department, I visited Silver Ant Studio in Petaling Jaya (PJ). When I was told last week by my boss Dr Zam about this visit officially, I began to feel happy as I have quite a number of ex-course mates and ex-colleagues working there: Keen Hong, Sing Yee, QChee, Yee Hau, etc. Being a former 3D animator, I always feel good to visit animation studio—it reminds me the good old day before I became an academic in 2004.

The person who guided the tour was really friendly and professional, in which he explained the history of the company, mainly through the nature of production it involved since its formation a decade ago. The highlight was on its first featured film—See Food. Prior the visit, I squeezed time to watch the film in KLCC last week. As usual, I became the last person who left the cinema, mainly to read the names appeared in the credit. I felt so proud when I saw familiar names, as if I involved in the production myself.

After studying and working in oversea countries, I began to see the whole Malaysia as one, rather than seeing each studio individually. So, when I saw Malaysian animation shines in global arena, I can feel to joy with them. I hope very soon, my students in UPSI can join the creative and production force, wherever they are going to work, and continue to make me feel proud.

I asked several questions during the ending Q&A session. One of them was 'what advice would professionals in Silver Ant give to the lecturers in UPSI who are out of touch with the development in animation industry'. With hesitation, Keen Hong, the Assistant Animation Director (my Uni buddy!) pointed out that lecturers should keep abreast with the changes and development of 3D software. The tour guide added that university should offer degree programme with specialization, i.e. modeling, texturing, rigging, character animation, lighting and visual effects (VFX). In practice, spending one semester of time to complete a short animation Individually might not be practical for showing off the best skills of a particular student. Each student should specialize in their final year project, e.g. if he or she is talented in creating models, he or she should focus doing modeling and make the best of it. However, in the context of Malaysia, VFX specialists are highly sought after. Universities are advised to nurture students that could produce industry quality works, this would really support the studios who are recruiting talents, in which they need not spend much time and effort to retraining upon their completion of study.

As for students who are applying for a job, the capability to complete their degree or diploma on time is essential because it would make no sense to hire someone who can do wonderful jobs but always misses deadline. Proof of capability to work in team is also important when applying for a job.


Thursday, 15 March 2012

"Preparing for your PhD" talk and Quiz on the “blank blue paper”

After I reached UPSI from San Francisco, I straight away got myself ready for two matters:
  • 2:30 pm – 4:30 pm: delivering a talk on “How to prepare for your doctoral study” to fifty over colleagues in UPSI who are getting to embark their doctoral journey.
  • 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm: administering a quiz for my Design Aesthetics students using “blank blue paper” self-learning reflection method.

The former event seems to be run well, and the feedback from participants were quite encouraging, despite only one person asked one question on how to handle issues related to supervisors. I brought along my big scroll of note, my theses (the version used for viva and the final bound version) and some tools I believe would benefit the participants. I might look sleepy and tired after the long flight and travel, but I wish they had sensed my passion and blessing. Good luck my friends, I can’t wait to address you as Dr.!

The other event, which is happening now in front of me, is quite interesting. I split the students physically into two groups—BD in Animation and BD in Advertising, in Dewan Kuliah (Lecture Hall) H. I avoid them cheating, i.e. submit what they have written in advanced, I prepared blue colour papers for the quiz instead of the conventional white A4 papers. Also, to save the consumption of papers, I encourage them to write or draw things in relatively smaller scale. The only question I asked them, and I actually told them before I left for my US trip, is to flush out whatsoever things that they have learned themselves through three sets of notes I prepared for them upfront. I also request them to scan what they have written and post it on their individual blog. Erm…let’s see how it goes. It’s time to collect the outcomes.   

Friday, 9 March 2012

Reflection on DML 2012 Conference

Digital Media and Learning (DML) 2012 is the first academic conference I attended in the US. It is participated mainly by teachers, educators and educational researchers around the world, especially those servicing the US education system. The first thing that struck me was the enthusiasm shown by participants, because the conference managed to keep participants away from enjoying beautiful outdoor scenes of San Francisco—which is very rare in conferences organized in Europe and Asia.

The theme of the conference is “Beyond Educational Technology: Learning Innovations in a Connected World”. Conference with this theme, if held in Europe would normally start by debate on “what is educational technology”, which academics would attempt to identify their current position before thinking and talking about future, i.e. what is beyond the state quo. To my surprise, this is not the case in DML 2012. The keynote speech, titled “Cultivating the entrepreneurial learner in the 21st century” presented by John Seely Brown touched straight into the vision of future--what will educational institutions look like in 5 or 10 years from now?  

John highlighted that 
Just being able to learn as individual is not enough, the question is how we start to scale this type of learning system.”
What I am doing now in Knowledge Nation Inc (KNI) is indeed an attempt to scale the current learning system through the use of pedagogic wrapper. This approach is parallel with what John proposed in the conference--a blended epistemology.

While agreeing with the idea of blended epistemology, I doubted its practicality because the existing and leading educational systems are very much dominated by quantitative assessment and evaluation methods. Thus, I asked John in the Q&A session (see 1:21:26 in YouTube video below) how the assessment or evaluation could be blended in the proposed blended epistemology? His quick reaction of this was that "proof is in the eyes of the beholder". He suggested that by using portfolio and abolishing the transcript would be the ideal evaluation methods. I agreed with the use of portfolio but I think transcript need not to be abolished, instead it could be blended into the portfolio through meaningful ways.

I carried this idea of blending transcript and portfolio into KNI and further developed the concept. The outcome of it is what I call "experiential portfolio" or ePortfolio, which contains accumulated game playing experience in the sense of soft skills. I would replace the list of "subjects" in academic transcript by a list of games played. In addition, the results (it is called the metrics in game playing) would be mapped into a pre-determined soft skill set. The mapping of soft skills set is actually what all academics in Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI) do in all teaching practices, i.e. upon the completion of a degree programme, our students get not only the academic transcript, but also a soft skill transcript. 

Fig 1: John's idea of blended epistemology

To me, transferring the teaching practice in UPSI to game playing would make the soft skills mapping meaningful and at the same time recognising the knowledge and skills students gained through game playing explicitly. Moreover, players cum learners can show off their achievement in social networking platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, etc. 

John said the following:
It’s not the technology that matters, it is how we take these technologies and invent new type of institution forms, new type of social practices, and new type of skills to be able to leverage the capability of technology. The technology is the easy part, the hard part is what are those social practices around these, and also the institutional structure. What will the schools, universities and research institutions look like in 5 to 10 years from now. If they look the same like what we have now, we have problems.
And I am glad that I have a vision of what the education system in the US would be like if what KNI tries to achieve become a reality.

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Bab 1: Permainan dan Pembelajaran (Satu Analisis Konseptual)

1.0 Pendahuluan

Penulisan ini ialah tentang pembelajaran berasaskan permainan. Perbincangan ditumpukan ke atas  penyerapan permainan elektronik ke dalam pendidikan formal, supaya proses pembelajaran yang kreatif dan inovatif dapat diwujudkan.

Sebelum diperturunkan kerangka konseptual tentang permainan dan pembelajaran berasaskan permainan elektronik yang dapat memberi asas kepada pemahaman yang lebih mendalam terhadap perkara induk yang diutarakan dalam penulisan ini, terlebih dahulu dijelaskan konsep-konsep yang berkaitan dengan permainan dan takrifan tentang pembelajaran.   

1.1 Konsep Permainan

Takrifan ‘permainan’ telah dikaji melalui analisis dan sintesis maksud-maksud yang dikutip daripada Oxford Reference Online. Maksud-maksud konsep sebegini disifatkan sebagai pernyataan analitik, iaitu penyataan yang benar mengikut takrifan atau definisi. Dua puluh empat maksud yang dikumpulkan daripada sembilan buah kamus bahasa Inggeris terbitan Oxford University Press telah dianalisis bagi tujuan klasifikasi. Rajah 1.1 merupakan hasil daripada klasifikasi dan sintesis kajian ini, yang mana konsep-konsep yang menakrifkan ‘permainan’ dihubungkan serta dibahagikan kepada tiga tahap: konsep utama, konsep sekunder dan konsep ketiga. Konsep-konsep utama dan sekunder merupakan deduksi maksud-maksud Oxford Reference Online, manakala konsep-konsep ketiga dicadangkan berdasarkan interpretasi intuitif terhadap konsep-konsep utama dan sekunder. 

Rajah 1.1: Konsep-konsep utama, sekunder dan ketiga yang berkaitan dengan ‘permainan’.   
Satu definisi permainan telah disintesiskan berdasarkan Rajah 1.1, iaitu suatu aktiviti, samada satu bentuk atau waktu bermain atau bersukan, terlibat bagi tujuan hiburan, khususnya suatu yang diatur, bersifat pertandingan, berasaskan peraturan dan keputusannya ditentukan oleh kemahiran, kekuatan atau nasib.

Walaupun penulisan ini dikarang dalam bahasa Melayu, analisis konsep permainan ini dibuat dengan merujuk kepada sumber-sumber bahasa Inggeris.  Daripada segi etimologi, games membawa maksud daging pada zaman Old English, iaitu hasil tangapan dalam permainan mengejar binatang liar. Pemahaman asal usul perkataan games atau permainan dari perspektif bahasa Inggeris adalah penting kerana potensi dan kebolehgunaan permainan dalam pendidikan boleh diperluaskan kepada pelbagai dimensi pembelajaran (rujuk kepada Bab 2). Ide pembelajaran berasaskan permainan yang dibincangkan dalam penulisan ini berasal dari negara-negara Barat, yang mana hasil penyelidikan dan implementasi lazimnya dikomunikasikan dalam bahasa Inggeris.  Selain itu, pemahaman tentang games yang mendalam akan mengelakkan resapan unsur-unsur negatif dalam budaya bahasa percakapan Melayu yang sering dihubungkaitkan dengan konsep ‘bermain’ atau ‘permainan’.

Definisi permainan yang telah dinyatakan itu bersifat terbuka, dan ini seumpama cuba meletakkan pelbagai jenis aktiviti atau perkara dalam kehidupan seharian di bawah konsep permainan. Bagi membezakan permainan dengan aktiviti atau perkara yang bukan permainan, unsur-unsur yang menstrukturkan konsep permainan perlu diketahui. Antara versi-versi struktur permainan yang dikenali di kalangan penyelidik (lihat Jadual 1.1), struktur Marc Prensky (2007) didapati lebih sesuai dengan tujuan pemahaman hubangan antara permainan dan pembelajaran.

Jadual 1.1: Lima versi unsur-unsur yang menstrukturkan konsep permainan
Perspektif / versi
John von Neumman dan Oskar Morgenstern (1944)
Perspektif matematik /
Komponen-komponen permainan dalam teori permainan (game theory)  
Pemain, strategi, kesudahan (outcome), dan balasan (payoffs) (Straffin 1993)
Roger Caillois (1961)
Perspektif sosiologi /
Enam sifat permainan
Keriangan (fun), terpisah dalam masa dan tempat, tidak tentu (uncertain), tidak produktif, dikawal oleh peraturan, dan khayalan (fictitious).
Eric Berne (1964)
Perspektif psikologi/
Sembilan unsur permainan
Tesis (thesis), antitesis (antithesis), matlamat (aim), peranan, dinamik, contoh, paradigma yang transaksional (transactional paradigm), gerakan (moves), dan faedah (advantages)
Chris Crawford (2003)
Perspektif reka bentuk /
Unsur-unsur permainan sebagai suatu ekspresi kreatif
Wang (money), interaktif, matlamat (goals), pesaing (competitor), dan kebenaran untuk menyerang (attacks allowed)
Marc Prensky (2007)
Perspektif pembelajaran berasaskan permainan/
Enam unsur struktur permainan
Peraturan, kesudahan dan maklum balas (outcomes and feedback), matlamat (goals) atau objektif, masalah, interaksi, dan  representasi. 

 1.1.1 Unsur-unsur Klasik dalam Struktur Permainan
Menurut Prensky (2007), peraturan, matlamat atau objektif, serta kesudahan dan maklum balas merupakan tiga unsur klasik permainan. Ketiga-tiga unsur ini menjadi asas struktur permainan yang boleh digunakan untuk mengasingkan semua permainan (games) daripada lain-lain bentuk aktiviti interaktif, seperti simulasi, alat mainan (toy) dan  bermain secara sesuka hati atau spontan (free or spontaneous play). Lain kata, permainan adalah salah satu bentuk ‘bermain’ (lihat Rajah 1.2), dan ia berbeza dengan sandiwara, bermain peranan (role play), dan sebagainya.

Rajah 1.2: Posisi permainan sebagai satu bentuk ‘bermain’ yang teratur

i. Peraturan
Permainan adalah berasaskan peraturan, maka semua permainan mempunyai peraturan. Oleh sebab peraturan merupakan representasi struktur dalaman dan formal permainan, ia berfungsi sebagai penentu utama kualiti permainan. Menurut Salen dan Zimmerman (2003), peraturan dalam setiap permainan perlu memenuhi enam ciri berikut:

·         Peraturan menghadkan tindakan pemain. Dengan itu, aktiviti seseorang pemain dalam suatu permainan sentiasa dihadkan oleh unsur peraturan ini.
·         Peraturan adalah eksplisit dan tidak samar. Peraturan permainan seharusnya lengkap dan tidak menimbulan kesamaran dari segi pemahaman dan penaksiran.
·         Peraturan adalah dikongsi bersama oleh semua pemain. Dalam permainan yang berbilang pemain, semua pemain berkongsi satu set peraturan yang sama. Kalau tidak, permainan tersebut boleh dirosakkan.
·         Peraturan adalah tetap dan tidak berubah sepanjang permainan itu berlangsung.
·         Peraturan mengikat segala perkara dalam permainan. Maka peraturan dibuat untuk dipatuhi.
·         Peraturan boleh diulang-ulang, dari satu episod permainan ke episod yang lain. Peraturan juga boleh dibawa untuk dipakai oleh set pemain yang lain.  

Walaupun peraturan penting dalam struktur permainan, ia bukan pengalaman bermain. Ini bermaksud, pengalaman dalam sesuatu permainan boleh diubah tanpa mengubah peraturan atau struktur formal permainan tersebut. Contohnya peraturan dalam sukan bola sepak adalah sama, samada permainan itu berlangsung di padang fizikal ataupun di padang maya (seperti dalam permainan berjudul FIFA 2010). Tetapi pengalaman sepak bola di padang fizikal amat berbeza dengan pengalaman sepak bola di padang maya, serdangkan peraturan yang sama dipakai di kedua-dua konteks permainan.

Had yand diwujudkan oleh peraturan memaksa semua pemain mengikut jalan-jalan yang tertentu untuk mencapai maktlamat permainan. Lazimnya, peraturan akan memastikan semua pemain mengambil jalan atau kaedah yang sama demi pencapaian matlamat yang ditetapkan. Ini secara langsung melukis satu sempadan yang mengasingkan dunia dalam daripada dunia luar permainan.      

ii. Matlamat
Permainan sentiasa tertuju kepada matlamat. Unsur matlamat ini membezakan permainan daripada alat mainan yang boleh dimain tanpa matlamat atau objektif. Lazimnya, matlamat sesuatu permainan dinyatakan dengan jelas pada awal pengenalan peraturan. Dengan ini, pemain-pemain perlu mengatur strategi untuk mencapai matlamat tersebut ketika berada dalam lingkungan peraturan. Cabaran yang wujud sepanjang proses mencapai matlamat utama serta objektif-objektif sekitar matlamat itu ketika dibatasi peraturan-peraturan permainan telah membuatkan kebanyakan pemain merasai keseronokan bermain. Lain kata, matlamat serta objektif-objektif merupakan penentu kualiti permainan, khususnya dari segi keseronokan.

iii. Kesudahan dan Maklum Balas  
Kesudahan dan maklum balas merupakan mekanisme di mana pemain-pemain mengukur kemajuan dan perkembangan mereka dalam pencapaian matlamat atau sesuatu objektif. Kesudahan ialah status permainan berakhir dengan suatu keputusan muktamad, iaitu samada menang, kalah atau seri. Maklum balas pula berlaku apabila sesuatu dalam permainan berubah sebagai reaksi terhadap tindakan pemain, dan ini menjadikan ‘bermain’ suatu aktiviti yang interaktif.

Proses pembelajaran berlaku hasil daripada maklum balas yang diterima dalam permainan. Contoh-contoh pembelajaran itu termasuk:
-          bagaimana sesuatu permainan berjalan atau berlangsung,
-          bagaimana permainan itu boleh dimenang,
-          pemahaman mengenai model reka bentuk permainan yang terpendam,
-          penaksiran mesej atau agenda di sebalik representasi kreatif pereka permainan.        

Melalui maklum balas, pemain yang berjaya menguasai sesuatu pengetahuan atau kemahiran diberi ganjaran. Bagi pemain yang gagal, maklum balas bertindak sebagai pemberitahu kegagalan dan juga punca tanda dan kunci pencapaian kejayaan. Pemain-pemain yang menyedari kegagalan menerusi maklum balas perlu membuat cubaan lain atau mencari pertolongan sehingga mereka berjaya mencapai objektif dan matlamat permainan. Penyediaan maklum balas yang bersesuaian boleh mendorong pembelajaran yang berpusatkan pemain, kerana tanpa inisiatif pemain, tiada maklum balas diberikan; sedangkan setiap inisiatif tindakan pemain akan dibalas dengan reaksi yang sepadan.

Tujuan utama maklum balas adalah untuk meningkatkan pengalaman pemain-pemain, dan seterusnya menggerakkan mereka sepanjang permainan. Gerakan ini jika direka dengan pertimbangan psikologi yang betul, boleh bertindak sebagai motivasi pemain supaya terus bermain, dan secara tidak langsung, belajar dalam permainan berkenaan.

1.1.2 Unsur-unsur Terbitan dalam Struktur Permainan
Pertindihan sifat-sifat ketiga-tiga unsur klasik yang diterangkan di atas telah menghasilkan tiga lagi unsur yang menstrukturkan permainan, iaitu interaksi, cabaran dan representasi (lihat Rajah 1.3). Walaupun ide struktur permainan berasal dari huraian Prensky (2007), pengubahsuaian telah dilakukan demi memadankan penjelasan konsep permainan dalam konteks bahasa Melayu.     
Rajah 1.3: Unsur-unsur klasik (kelabu) dan terbitan (putih) yang menstrukturkan konsep permainan.

i. Interaksi
Unsur interaksi dalam permainan, khususnya permainan digital atau elektronik melibatkan dua aspek, iaitu interaksi antara pemain dengan komputer, dan interaksi sosial di kalangan pemain.

Interaksi pemain dan komputer (human computer interaction) merupakan satu bidang sains komputer yang menumpukan kepada isu-isu antara permukaan manusia dan komputer dalam konteks fizikal dan maya. Interaksi jenis ini berpunca daripada maklum balas yang ditentukan oleh pereka dan pengaturcara permainan terlebih dahulu, terhadap tindakan-tindakan pemain dalam dunia permainan digital. Pengkomputeran permainan, iaitu menjadikan permainan dalam format digital atau elektronik, telah mengintegrasikan teknik-teknik media hiburan lain seperti buku, filem, nyanyian demi meningkatkan tahap keriangan pemain. Oleh yang demikian, kepelbagaian interaksi antara pemain dengan komputer bertambah, sejajar dengan kemajuan teknologi komputeran dalam industri kreatif.    

Menurut Adams (2010, ms 14), interaksi sosial dalam permainan, samada dikomputerkan atau tidak, boleh dibahagikan kepada enam jenis, iaitu:

1.       Berseorangan (“saya bertentangan dengan situasi”).Contoh: maze.   
2.       Kompetitif antara dua pemain (“pelawanan antara kamu dan saya”). Contoh: catur.
3.       Kompetitif di kalangan ramai pemain (“setiap pemain bermain demi kemenangan sendiri”). Contoh: maraton, Monopoly.
4.       Koperatif di kalangan ramai pemain (“semua pemain bermain demi kemenangan bersama”). Contoh: Gauntlet, Kinect Adventures.
5.       Berasaskan pasangan atau pasukan (“pelawanan antara mereka dengan kami”). Contoh: bola sepak, hoki.
6.       Mode pertandingan campuran. Contoh: kejohanan badminton Thomas Cup.

Bagi permainan yang membenarkan lebih daripada satu jenis interaksi sosial, pemain biasanya berhak memilih mode yang dihendaki pada awal permainan tersebut. Sesetengah permainan juga mengizinkan pemain untuk bertukar dari satu mode interaksi sosial ke mode yang lain dalam perlangsungan permainan, contohnya bertukar dari berseorangan ke mode pertandingan campuran.

Walaupun interaksi sosial dihadkan dalam dunia permainan oleh peraturan permainan tersebut, interaksi di kalangan pemain boleh berlanjutan di luar gelanggang, arena atau dunia maya permainan. Kewujudan saluran dan platform khas (dikenali sebagai surround atau parateks) untuk pemain-pemain serta para penyokong permainan berinteraksi merupakan suatu manifestasi lanjutan interaksi sosial.  

ii. Cabaran 
Cabaran ialah apa-apa yang perlu dihadapi oleh pemain demi mencapai matlamat atau objektif dalam keadaan yang dihadkan oleh peraturan permainan berkenaan. Pada dasarnya, reka bentuk suatu permainan sebenarnya adalah reka bentuk cabaran serta tindakan yang dibenarkan untuk menangani cabaran itu.

Tahap kesusahan cabaran perlu diselaraskan dengan tahap pengetahuan, kemahiran dan kemajuan pemain di sepanjang perlangsungan permainan. Kerja-kerja penyelerasan atau pengimbangan (balancing) ini berkait rapat dengan mekanisme maklum balas, kerana pembelajaran dan perolehan pengetahuan, kemahiran dan pengalaman untuk mengatasi cabaran dalam permainan berlaku menerusi mekanisme ini. Pengimbangan yang betul boleh menyediakan keadaan “flow”, iaitu satu keadaan psikologi yang boleh menagihkan atau menumpukan sepenuh perhatian seseorang ketika menghadapi satu cabaran yang digemari (Csikszentmihalyi, 1991). Oleh itu, unsur cabaran dan unsur maklum balas telah menjadi dua faktor utama ketagihan permainan.

iii. Representasi
Setiap permainan merupakan satu ikhtiar mengenai sesuatu, samada abstrak atau konkrit, secara langsung atau tidak langsung. Representasi ikhtiar itu termasuk naratif, cerita atau fantasi, yang direka bentuk sebagai dunia permainan, iaitu suatu alam tiruan, rekaan atau imaginasi di mana peristiwa-peristiwa permainan berlaku.    
Walau bagaimanapun, bukan semua permainan mempunyai dunia rekaan. Contohnya, bola sepak yang dimain di gelanggang fizikal, bukanlah suatu alam imaginasi. Kebanyakan permainan abstrak, seperti quiz soal-jawab dan tic-tac-toe, tidak berlangsung di dunia rekaan. Kewujudan dunia rekaan sebagai unsur representasi dalam struktur permainan seharusnya menyokong and berkerjasama dengan unsur-unsur lain, khususnya unsur cabaran, unsur maklum balas, serta unsur interaksi, dan bukan sebaliknya. Lain kata, peranan and nilai naratif, cerita atau fantasi dalam permainan adalah bergantung kepada keperluan reka bentuk cabaran dan maklum balas. Ini membezakan permainan daripada lain-lain media hiburan yang mendahulukan naratif atau cerita, seperti filem dan animasi.