Wednesday, 28 September 2011

How to write a blog?

I have created a Bloggers portal at This portal is meant to gather the blogs created or to be created by my students who are taking ASR 3024 Design Aesthetics course. To my surprise, most of the blogs I've seen have no post at all. Perhaps I was me who did not convey the message in the class well. So I decided to write a post on how to write a blog.

Blog or web log, should be something one write to express an idea, a thought about something. This is particularly appropriate when the blog was created for a specific purpose, which in this case, for recording the experience and feelings gained in Design Aesthetics lessons.

I guided the students by requesting them to have a five to ten minutes reflexion after each learning session. I also posted some lead-in questions for them to start writing by answering the questions.

In terms of length, blog could be written as long as the blogger likes, which is different from tweet--limited to 140 letters. As for the language, as long as the blogger knew who he or she is targeting at, the blog should be readable...

Monday, 12 September 2011

Welcome back to blogging

I used to spend quite some time blogging, and that was during my pursue of doctorate degree. After I completed my study and returned to Malaysia, I stopped blogging. Though blogging was not something I was obliged to do, I felt sorry for myself after stopping this habit--very similar to not practicing Karate-do.

Early this morning, while preparing for my first lecture for Design Aesthetics course, I decided to create a blog for logging my thoughts, feelings and experience in this course. I named the blog "episodic episteme". It is episodic because I would like it to be serendipitious--I blog when I encounter or feel something impromptu and worth to log, and the something would most probably irregular. The notion of episteme indicates that the something should be in the form of knowledge. The form of knowledge could be well thought through, or just a flash of idea, probably philosophical in nature.

To start with, I would like to use this blog as a platform to reveal my thought while preparing the lecture for Design Aesthetics.